How To Get The Perfect Pop With Orville

December 19, 2017

Ahhh freshly popped popcorn… is there a better smell?! Not only is popcorn one of my favourite snacks, but it genuinely makes me happy. Turns out there’s actually some science to support my sentiment: popcorn is a carb-rich food with a low glycemic index that’s been shown to boost mood and make us feel more relaxed and happy…

How To Get The Perfect Pop With Orville Redenbacher Microwave Popcorn

Photo c/o Sik Photography.

However, not all popcorn is created equal. In my opinion, one brand reigns supreme in the microwave popcorn realm: Orville Redenbacher. It’s fluffier and lighter than the rest — something Orville dedicated his entire life to (fun fact: he started growing his own popping corn at the age of 12 over a century ago). Have you tried the iconic brand?! It’s been well-stocked on my shelves for decades. It just tastes soooo good. But it gets better: Orville popcorn was recently re-formulated to remove all artificial colours, flavours and preservatives. And did I mention it’s high fibre and gluten-free too?! Woot!

How To Get The Perfect Pop With Orville Redenbacher Microwave Popcorn

Photo c/o Sik Photography.

Yup, the entire line-up of Orville Redenbacher Microwave Popcorn now has a simplified ingredient list — from the Smart Pop (94% fat free) to my fave: extra buttery! I love when brands listen to what consumers want and actually make a change for the better. Orville did exactly that. Now families can feel good about serving popcorn as an after-school snack or during fam jam movie nights. Little L isn’t quite ready since he doesn’t have any teeth yet, but I know he will LOVE it when he grows up if he’s anything like his mama…

How To Get The Perfect Pop With Orville Redenbacher Microwave Popcorn

Photo c/o Sik Photography.

In the meantime, I’ll continue working on mastering the perfect pop — a skill I’ve been honing for years. I’ve almost nailed it down so I thought I’d share my fave tips with you:

How To Get The Perfect Pop With Orville

  1. Use a high quality popcorn like the NEW Orville Redenbacher Microwave Popcorn.
  2. Make sure the product isn’t expired. Freshness matters and many people don’t check the box for the “best by” date.
  3. Clean your microwave: the morsels of food left inside can alter the taste of your popcorn (as can lingering smells).
  4. Listen to your popcorn as it pops and don’t leave it unsupervised! Microwaves vary quite a bit so you need to be all ears (lol worst corn joke ever?!) Oh, and NEVER EVER use the popcorn button. It almost always fails.
  5. Shake Shake Shake. It can be tempting to devour the popcorn right away, but a quick shake will help coat all the kernels with flavour.
  6. Open the bag immediately so the popcorn doesn’t get soggy from the built up moisture inside.
  7. Sharing is caring. Popcorn is best enjoyed when shared. At least in my opinion…

How To Get The Perfect Pop With Orville Redenbacher Microwave Popcorn

A huge thanks to Orville Redenbacher for sponsoring this post. If you love their popcorn as much as I do make sure to visit Orville Redenbacher Canada for nutritional info and great popcorn recipe ideas. Share your love of popcorn with other Canadians via social media and follow Orville on Facebook and Instagram @OrvilleCanada.

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  • Reply
    December 19, 2017 at 1:50 pm

    I LOVE popcorn! SOO much! Now I can feel good about it too! Yay!

    • Reply
      December 19, 2017 at 4:26 pm

      I may or may not eat 2/3 bags a week… eek!

  • Reply
    December 19, 2017 at 4:08 pm

    Popcorn on family movie night is the best! Ummm those matching outfits…adorable!

    • Reply
      December 19, 2017 at 4:27 pm

      Can’t wait until I can actually share it with him!! And yup, event though I promised myself I would never buy matching outfits…it happened lol

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