Celebrating Our First Family Day: A Pledge To My Family

February 19, 2018

I don’t know about you guys, but I spend a lot of time reflecting. My most recent reflection being one about what the word family actually means to me and what I want mine to look like in the coming years. Not literally (fams come in all shapes and sizes and I’m grateful for whatever the universe has planned for us) but more along the lines of how we are together — the family dynamic. You see, in an increasingly hectic world, I find that I need to press pause and consciously weave in the moments, routines and traditions that matter into my daily life. I fear that time will just slip through my fingers otherwise, so I’ve decided to write a little pledge to my family as we celebrate our first family day. Here are five things I hope to do more or less of this year…

Celebrating Our First Family Day: A Pledge To My Family

My Family Day Pledge

1. More Hugs – Oh yes, the simple things. Hugging doesn’t cost a penny and is truly one of the most fulfilling acts in life. I’ve always been a hugger. In fact, I even hugged Little L daily when he was in my belly. And when he was born, I had a Huggies Hug Plan in place to make sure he got all the skin-to-skin hugs he needed to thrive both psychologically and physiologically. It felt good knowing that I could play a part in helping lower his response to pain, stabilize his heart rate and aid in his brain development along with so many other benefits. Family hug time is now a tradition for us — it’s how we kick off our day and cap off the night. Those few moments are so powerful and now that Little L can hug back they’re even more special…

Celebrating Our First Family Day: A Pledge To My Family

Photo c/o Sik Photography.

2. Less Phone Time – This one is really tough because most of my business involves a cellphone in some way. Especially on the social media front. I love my online community and do my best to respond to everyone who emails/DMs/comments, but at times I find being a blogger/influencer pulls me away from those who matter most: my family. I hope to change this by putting down my phone more often and living in the moment.

Celebrating Our First Family Day: A Pledge To My Family

Photo c/o Sarjoun Faour

3. More Family Getaways – Little L has been on many trips with us already, but I want to incorporate even more local and international travel in our lives. Not only do these experiences teach him about the beautiful planet we live on (the different cultures, landscapes and people), but it also teaches Hubster and I so much about ourselves. Traveling with a baby challenges us as a family and makes us stronger, more patient and resilient.

Celebrating Our First Family Day: A Pledge To My Family

Fam postcard from Athens!

4. Less Hasty Meals – Gone are the days of our leisurely dinners where conversations were had and food was ingested at a normal rate. Given Little L’s bedtime and the fact that our meal prep time has been significantly reduced, I find that our meals have become incredibly rushed. As someone who gets so much pleasure and happiness from food, this is one trend I’m seeing that I really don’t like. So, I’m going to try to prep meals the night before so we can have dinner earlier and have time to eat properly before putting babes to bed. I’m also going to make more of an effort to take Little L out for meals…

Celebrating Our First Family Day: A Pledge To My Family

5. More Time For Self-Care – I’ve recently noticed that even a quick shower break or coffee with a friend can really shift our mentality when it comes to family life. Sometimes we just need a few minutes to refresh and gain perspective before hanging out with Little L. As new parents, breaks can be difficult to squeeze in to the daily routine, but make such a difference in our stress levels — something Little L definitely picks up on immediately. Slowly, Hubster and I are starting to find a balance that allows us both to have some “me time” outside of our condo. Hoping to do more of this moving forward…

Celebrating Our First Family Day: A Pledge To My Family

Photo c/o Sik Photography.

Thanks for taking the time to read through my reflections. Let me know how you’re spending Family Day and whether or not you have a pledge/things you’re trying to focus on when it comes to family. It’s our first year with babes so it’s a learning curve for us all!

Celebrating Our First Family Day: A Pledge To My Family

This post was sponsored by Huggies® Canada as part of my partnership with them as a #NoBabyUnhugged Mom. As always, all reviews and opinions are my own. If you’re a mom or dad-to-be, I highly encourage you and your partner to visit nobabyunhugged.ca to download the Hug Plan for free to ensure your baby receives hugs as soon as he/she is born!


  • Reply
    February 19, 2018 at 11:06 am

    I love this so much. I also want to travel and take more time to just be in the moment. Now that T is walking (errr running) I’ve actually had no choice but to put down the phone! That does mean less time on social media checking and posting but it’s meant more time witnessing how fast he’s growing and changing each day!

    • Reply
      February 19, 2018 at 4:49 pm

      I hope you guys have many beaut travels ahead! LOL re: running — L is on his way, one step at a time.

  • Reply
    February 20, 2018 at 8:36 am

    I love this. I want to do this. I need less phone time For sure. And traveling more? Always!!! Thank you for Sharing your pledge. It’s inspiring!

    • Reply
      February 20, 2018 at 9:10 am

      Thank you! Had lots of extra time to reflect this week since babes has been sick. Hopefully we can travel together soooooon!!

  • Reply
    Ryan Woods
    February 20, 2018 at 10:09 pm

    I spend so much free time reflecting and absolutely loved this post Solmaz! 🙂

    • Reply
      February 21, 2018 at 9:06 am

      Thanks Ryan! Sometimes I can’t turn off this brain of mine… Reflections usually happen in the shower & while walking around. Where do you tend to reflect most?

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